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Please Refer to the Links Above to check on the Status of Your Refund


Information below is from the IRS Website:


How quickly will I get my refund?

We issue most refunds in less than 21 calendar days.


I’m counting on my refund for something important. Can I expect to receive it in 21 days?
Many different factors can affect the timing of your refund after we receive your return. Even though we issue most refunds in less than 21 days, it’s possible your refund may take longer. Also, remember to take into consideration the time it takes for your financial institution to post the refund to your account or for you to receive it by mail.


It's been longer than 21 days since the IRS received my return and I haven’t gotten my refund. Why?

Some tax returns take longer to process than others for many reasons, including when a return:

  • Includes errors

  • Is incomplete

  • Is affected by identity theft or fraud

  • Includes a claim filed for an Earned Income Tax Credit or an Additional Child Tax Credit. See Q&A below.

  • Includes a Form 8379, Injured Spouse Allocation, which could take up to 14 weeks to process

  • Needs further review in general

We will contact you by mail when we need more information to process your return.


I claimed the Earned Income Tax Credit (EITC) or the Additional Child Tax Credit (ACTC) on my tax return. When can I expect my refund?

• According to the Protecting Americans from Tax Hikes (PATH) Act, the IRS cannot issue EITC and ACTC refunds before mid-February. The IRS expects the earliest EITC/ACTC related refunds to be available in taxpayer bank accounts or debit cards starting Feb. 27, 2018, if these taxpayers chose direct deposit and there are no other issues with their tax return.

• Where’s My Refund? on and the IRS2Go mobile app remains the best way to check the status of a refund. Where’s My Refund? will be updated with projected deposit dates for most early EITC and ACTC refund filers on February 17. These taxpayers will not see a refund date on Where's My Refund? ‎or through their software packages until then. The IRS, tax preparers and tax software will not have additional information on refund dates, so these taxpayers should not contact or call them about refunds before the end of February.


For more information you can visit the IRS website by clicking here.





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